İlhan Uzundurukan : Sportsnet Group Yönetim Kurulu Başkan Yardımcısı Vice President of Media

Gazetecilik hayatına 1982 yılında Hürriyet’te başlayan İlhan Uzundurukan; Show, Star TV ve Süperspor gibi bir çok önemli medya kuruluşunda görev aldıktan sonra 2010 yılında sportstv başkan yardımcılığına getirildi. Ulusal Radyo Yayıncıları Derneği Genel Başkanlığını yürütmektedir.

Started his journalism career at Hürriyet Newspaper in 1982 as a reporter where he was promoted to an editor afterwards.In 1989, he became the editor-in-chief at Fotospor, one of the top sports newspapers in Turkey.Then in 1992, he returned to Hürriyet as deputy chief of the magazine department.One year later, he was moved to sports department in Hürriyet as a chief editor.Between 1994 and 1996, he worked at Marie Claire and Marie Claire Maison as the executive director.He has worked as press general manager at Show untill 1999.Right after the three year Show Group era, he worked as the Star TV sports coordinator for a year.In 2000, he was moved to Süperspor as executive editor while working at CINE5 as news director.His affair with Sportsnet began in 2002 as a vice president. At the year of 2008 he worked at former sportstv; D-Spor for two years.Then in 2010, with the change of name to sportstv, he became the vice president.Recently, he was named as the president of National Radio Broadcasters Association and became chairman of URYAD board.He is a board member of associations such as İstanbul Bar of Journalists and Turkish Sports Writers Association.Uzundurukan graduated from İstanbul University, Faculty of Law and earned his master degree again from his alma mater.


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